Cleansing Prayer of Protection

Mural of the Holy Mama from a recent adventure to San Francisco

How’s everyone doing? Moonbeams got you worked? This full moon in Pisces has something else!! It’s been a deep deep deep summer, eh? beautiful healing opportunities…to me it has felt like unraveling threads that we have been working on for years… no going back to the patterns that we’ve untangled from…if we want to live honestly. Beaming love to all the bodies and spirits deep in the healing waters. Find the edges, find the container, feel where you are held. The edges of your skin, the soles of your feet, palms of your hands, center of the earth…call in your support systems and as you feel safe enough to—surrender to the release process that is already occurring.

So back to the purpose of this post— I wanted to share this prayer again! I may have shared it before, or a variation of it. I change it as needed, and bring the energy through my body through any simple ritual that feels good—whether that is cleaning, meditation, walking, gardening, taking a flower essence or tincture, writing, rhythm + sound, burning incense or herbs, salt & oil body scrubs, bodywork, touch, lighting candles, breathing, intuitive movement such as dance, shaking or slow unwinding that engages the limbs (physically or visualization) to help clear, ground, embody the intentions, and direct the energy as it moves. Bringing Spirit through the body so there is a felt sense of wholeness & communion, where true strength, beyond patterns of domination, can emerge.

I call upon my Spirit, Guides, Teachers, Sacred Guardians & Holy Protectors, benevolent ancestors, benevolent elementals and guardians of the land— through the Unified Field through which all is made whole—I thank you and ask for your presence, assistance, and protection now.

That any and all energies not of love return to the Source of All that is, now. That any distortions, extractive and exploitative energies, known or unknown, across time and space, return to Source now.

That any and all contracts or agreements no longer relevant or resonant for my individual or our collective well being dissolve here now. I call all of me back to me now. Anything I am holding in my body or my field that is not mine to carry, I release and return to Source now.

May any and all energies that do not emerge from love dissolve here now, fully and completely, easily and without effort. May all parts of me, and all beings and their parts who I am in relationship with, be filled with the healing power of Divine light so they may find their own pathway home. May any aspects unwilling to emerge from hiding be protected against any actions or intentions of harm inward or outward. May all energies and patterning that perpetuate harm find a path of return—to the earth, to Source, to be transmuted for the highest good of all.May joy, love, truth and beauty expand through every cell and may my presence be a healing to all I am in relationship with.